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16:30 - 18:30


50 plasser for 1 - 5. trinn


14 / 50


Store Auditorium


Celebrating world standards day 2024!

Talk: Standardising JavaScript and the Web

Speaker: Aki Rose Braun (Ecma International),

In this talk, Aki will introduce TC39, the group responsible for developing and maintaining the JavaScript language. You'll learn how the committee works, including the different stages a new feature proposal goes through -- from an initial idea to becoming part of the official language. Aki will also discuss the role of Ecma International [], the organization that supports TC39's work. To give you a bigger picture, Aki will briefly cover other important web standardization groups and how they help ensure the web is stable and works well across different platforms. The talk will last about 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session where you can ask questions about the JavaScript standardization process and what's coming next for the language. Aki Rose Braun [] is currently a secretary of TC39, and a former co-chair of TC39.

There will be some simple catering with sandwiches and coffe/tea.

This talk is especially relevant for students taking INF214. Therefore, in addition to the 50 spots available here on the website, there are 50 additional spots for INF214 students. If you are taking INF214, please use the special registration form below! Please do not register both via the form and on the website.