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Women in Digital Mentorship Program

Apply by March 3rd! A mentor can make a difference in your early-stage tech career!

BCG Platinion's mentorship program for women in tech is now live - guiding women in their early career into the world of IT consulting.

Eager to hear what you can expect from your mentoring journey?

The mentorship includes both 1-to-1 sessions and group events where you get to develop yourself, improve your problem-solving skills, and increase your knowledge of tech strategy consulting.

And the best part? All of this is done together with a group of aspiring women in tech!

BCG Platinion is currently looking for new mentees in Norway to join the program in the spring of 2024.

Read more and apply by March 3rd via this link: https://bcgplatinion.com/women-in-digital-mentorship-norway/

More on BCG Platinion BCG Platinion, the department of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) that focuses on strategic IT consulting, advising C-levels of large clients on their business-critical challenges and projects around tech and digital. In teams of diverse backgrounds, you get to work in an international context with numerous travel opportunities and a strong focus on your personal development – nurtured by a feedback- and training-focused environment. It is the place for you when you wish to work on a strategic level, while leveraging your deep IT expertise – steering tomorrow’s digital world!

Projects with BCG Platinion ensure a steep learning curve within different industries, technologies and problem-solving-skills. The mentorship program is designed to learn all about tech consulting, but at the same time develop on a personal level and get in touch with like-minded people with similar backgrounds.

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BCG Platinion


BCG Platinion Oslo


3. mars 2024


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